Tuesday, September 7, 2010

There's Articles for Sucess?!?

       These articles seem to have a very common thread of telling the reader how to become successful at something, in my case college. They all make very important points that I strongly agree with. I definitely aim to plan out all of my college life as far ahead as I can. My goals have already been set by myself and my family; and I intend to meet those goals. As far as I’m concerned those goals are well within reach at the pace that I am going right now. These articles reinforce that thought so I will continue to map out my college experience, and then work as hard as I can on it.

       The articles have also helped me observe first hand that getting a higher education really is the most important aspect to being successful in your own life. A regular education can only get you so far whether it is in a big corporate company or a small business. These articles give the reader a sort of truth that only a firsthand experience can give. It is great because the topic that you are gaining information from is one that applies to every human being.

       If anything after reading the articles it just reinforces an idea that I have already had for myself in college. That idea is to be as successful as I can be, and to reach all the goals that have been set for me. They also show that to have an easier life in the future meeting my goals is definitely a big essential.

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