Wednesday, September 1, 2010

All About Mike




A clip of me riding my bike:

Team Player
What these words mean to me...

These five words can give you an idea of how my mind and personality work together to create me. I’m usually the kind of person who cares more about other people than me. My extremely close family members are the ones to blame for that trait. The photo under the word caring shows just some of my big, loud, Italian family. They all care about each other so much that it really rubbed off on me and I now incorporate it into my social life as well.

     Alright, so next the next word is sensible; which is not to say I am a “worry wart” but just more of the one who knows when to turn on and off the crazy. My parents did a really good job at teaching me right and wrong so I can really tell when something is not the best idea. Friends tell me all the time that usually if I say something is a bad idea; it really is a bad idea. The photo I chose is one of the pranks that I actually approved from my friends, which we ended up going through with. By the way the prank was that we put my best friend’s moped on his bed which is on the second story of his house one night while he was at work.

     The next word holds a very important place in the definition of who I am. This is probably one of my more annoying traits. But anyway, usually when I come up with an idea or activity that I would like to do, I will make it happen no matter what. For example I came across a video of a giant slip n’ slide online and thought it looked like a lot of fun. So the next day I got some friends together and made one!

     The word athletic is more of a default label that I carry with me just because I like to participate in a few sports. Obviously from the picture you can tell that I enjoy to mountain bike. Some of the other sports that I play are soccer and paintball. I’m always riding my bike and I played soccer since I was three years old. Also paintball has brought me as far as gaining sponsorships and playing in tournaments against professional players. So I guess all that makes me pretty athletic but not in a jock type of way.

     This last picture is of last year’s varsity soccer team at Guilford High School. This shows how close of a team and how much of a team player I am. I am a team player for more than just sports though. I am always open to new things and suggestions when I am with a group of people. When it comes to family my parent’s suggestions of ways for us all to bond are always accepted by me.

Just another clip of me spending time with some of the people that matter the most to me:!/video/video.php?v=423627619156

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