Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Change is Scary

       So I’m a commuter this year at southern, and I could go on and on about how finding a descent parking spot is my biggest challenge. But if I did that I’d be lying to everyone who reads this. Honestly, the biggest challenge for me is adjusting to a school where I know absolutely no one. My whole life I have been a shy person and I always depended on my friends to be there for me. I am still an independent person who can definitely hold his own but not having someone there to talk to about this new college experience is tough.

       People who know me will say that I am an outgoing and happy person. But what they don’t know is that the only reason I seem that way to them is because I am comfortable with them. Don’t get me wrong, I can easily become friends with just about anybody. But going out and talking to some random person is not my strong suit.

       Coming from a high school, where I was friends with just about everyone, to a college where I know absolutely no one is pretty scary. Even though I am sure I’ll make new friends over time, it is still somewhat of a lonely experience in the beginning. But I’m an optimist and I think that as this whole college experience progresses for me I will meet many new and interesting people and have the opportunity to build friendships with them.

       Before this semester started I was so worried that I wouldn’t have anyone to discuss homework or projects with. I had this vision of me just going to class everyday not talking to anyone and then going straight home to do my homework and get back to the life I’m used to. But I’m seeing that it doesn’t need to be like that at all.

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