Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Outcasts United, By Warren St. John, a novel? or an essay?

           Outcasts United by Warren St. John was a very informative novel in my eyes. I realized, while discussing the book, with a friend that Warren St. John is a reporter for the New York Times. When I heard this the way the book was written made a lot more sense to me.
            I did enjoy the book but some of it seemed to go on and on about useless things. Like when he was telling the stories of each player and Luma they seemed to go on forever. I feel that St. John may have put in a little too much research into the book. If the book had contained a little bit less research about each character I would have enjoyed reading it more, and I would still have got the same feeling about each character. So I feel that Warren St. John should have tried to not allow his two main styles of writing clash together in this book.
            On the other hand, the book was very uplifting and inspiring to me on more than one level. The obvious one would be the fact that this story really shows you how happiness can be found in such simple things. Also that when people come together, no matter who they are, they can accomplish anything they put their minds to. But the other reason I was inspired by this book is because I play soccer myself. So I could connect to almost every soccer related situation in the book. I could picture myself in those kids’ places for just a second, and it really drew me into the book more.
            One question that I would have for Mr. Warren St. John would be did he think that it was really necessary to the book to add in so much background information on each character and why?

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