Thursday, September 30, 2010

Orientation is an Event...Right?

                This post is supposed to be about an event that we have attended thus far at SCSU. But unfortunately for me, I haven’t been able to attend any events besides my freshman orientation. So I guess I’ll be discussing that for this post.
            Now first off, when I heard that that orientation was going to be a two day ordeal, and that I would have to stay at SCSU the entire time, let’s just say I wasn’t ecstatic about it. I just didn’t want to waste my time, especially during summer, at the place where I was going to be at for the next four years anyway. I think a lot of other freshman had this same thought process too.
            But then that day actually came when I had to go. I went to SCSU that day with not the best attitude to kick it all off, but I was doing my best to be optimistic. We were all put into groups and we started off with getting to know everyone. This was boring but then we started to get into some more interesting activities like talking about what college was really going to be like verses the rumors that we all hear. When my orientation leaders explained a lot of this it made me feel so much better about actually starting college. But then before we knew it we had to go to another boring lecture from someone important in the SCSU staff. This was basically how the rest of the orientation went, and I honestly hated it.
            I talked to my cousin who is a junior at SCSU about her orientation and she said it was only one day of boring activities instead of this huge two day thing. So in my opinion I think that the freshman that came into SCSU this semester was forced to go through a very pointless orientation. It made me a tiny bit more confident about college but overall I took almost nothing from the experience. I really think that SCSU staff should rethink the whole idea of orientation and just use it to give incoming students the minimum information that they need and don’t try to stuff in all these meaningless lectures and speakers that the kids won’t care about or listen to.

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