Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grade Inflation Hurts

                Going off of the conversation that we had in class about grade inflation I was left with a different perspective on the question that Ilmar posed. The way that I interpreted his question was that it was asking if students put forth a good effort and still get something wrong is it right to give them a good grade. I answered it in the sense that it is wrong to give someone a grade that they do not deserve. I feel that if a teacher gives a student a grade they don’t deserve then it can really hurt the students in their future.
                If a student receives a  high grade just for trying hard even thought they got something wrong then that is going to teach them that they can just try hard every time and get a good grade. It teaches that it doesn’t matter if you don’t get it right all that matters is if you tried hard. That is definitely not the case in the real world so teaching this to students is really hurting them for their futures.
                As for the way that we were discussing the question in class I would have to agree with DJ the most because I feel that students should never receive a passing grade for just showing up and doing ONLY all that is asked of them. There is always a time when a student needs to go above and beyond for every class they take, and whether this means that they are going above the standards to get a better grade overall or if they are just trying to pass the class there is still a time for every student.
                SO overall I think that grade inflation is a bad idea with good intentions and it will honestly hurt students in the long run. I know that any company that sees that you attended a college that inflates grades will not look at you the same as someone who attended a school that didn’t.

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