Wednesday, November 17, 2010


                Food. There is just so much you can say about food. So I think I'll try to go in the direction of what I personally eat. I would have to say my all time favorite meal would have to be breaded chicken breasts and buttered noodles on the side with some sort of vegetable like steamed broccoli with a little lemon juice on it. Other than that I would have to say that I love basically any kind of pasta with homemade sauce from my mom. Every Sunday there is always a big plate of pasta waiting for me for dinner. But I definitely don’t just eat good wholesome meals like that all the time. I would have to say that I am a pretty big junk eater. If I had the choice of good food all the time I probably would choose it most of the time. But that’s just unrealistic in our world now. So a lot of times I will just grab something quick to make me feel full even though I know it's bad for me and that I'll be hungry again in like fifteen minutes.
                Another reason why I eat a lot of bad food is the fact that I work at McDonalds. Now there is no one forcing me to eat the food there in any way. But I usually work a six hour shift after school and then on the weekends I will work a nine and a half hour shift. So honestly I could not go through a whole shift without eating because my body needs food to keep up with the craziness of fulfilling orders. When I do eat there I tend to buy some of the healthier menu items (yes, there are some healthy things at McDonalds). I usually get a salad with grilled chicken and apple dippers on the side and water to drink. Other than that I'll get a wrap and apple dippers. But I never eat the burgers because I know how bad those are for you.
                Other than that I really do try to eat healthy because I realize what will happen to me if I don’t. I do my best to eat right but I also do have some candy every once in a while. But that is how my diet has been for my whole life and so far it has worked out for me so I plan to keep it that way.

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