Monday, November 15, 2010

My Math Crisis

               So far this year I haven't had to many tough times having to do with my college experience. But I would say that the only thing that has really been a bit of a speed bump for me is my math class. I am in Math 100 which I thought would be a pretty good class for me because I am not good at math at all. But I soon realized that this class is still going to be a challenge for me. I thought I was doing pretty average in the class until I took the midterm. As I was taking the test my professor announced that there was five minutes left and I looked down and saw that I had about seven questions unanswered. I panicked and ended up getting a D on it. This brought my overall grade down to a D also. I already knew what my parents would say when they say this. But I told them before I started going to college hat I wasn't going to let this happen again so I was determined to change my grade.
                Now when this happened I thought to myself, "This has happened so many times to me with math classes, and I'm not letting it happen again." So after that day I have been studying harder. I also am getting some extra help from my professor and from a friend that is in the class. I am doing much better now and I can honestly say I am understanding the work much better than I ever did.

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