Monday, November 15, 2010

My Skirmish Experience

This is a video of the game, I am in it at about 2:43 wearing the yellow mask and white shirt:

                The perfect example that I have in my life to show that I was a leader happened in Pennsylvania  during the largest paintball game ever in the world. This game had over 4100 people playing in it and it lasted three days long. It was played on a field that stretched 100 acres and included woods, swamps, and open fields. The theme of the game was the famous war battle of Invasion of Normandy.
                Now on the last day of this game my friends and I were in the middle of a huge open field with hundreds of players from both teams battling it out for control of the field. In this game people were allowed to use smoke grenades, but it was so hot that day that one suddenly lit the grass on fire in the open fire that we were in. It took a minute but the fire was put out. Now at this point all of my friends had finally run out of paintballs, but I still had a little bit more. So I was in the middle of the field and the other team started pushing towards us. My team began to retreat but I stayed to fight.
                Suddenly I looked back and saw that I was the only person left on my tem out on the open field and the rest had retreated back to the woods. As I looked forward I could see literally hundreds of players on the other team moving towards me. At that instant I had the choice of running back to my team and getting shot about a million times or making one last attempt to rally my team and still get shot a lot. Naturally, I chose the more brave route of the two. So I looked back at my team once more and started sprinting towards the other team. I shot my gun as fast as I could just absolutely painting every person I could reach until I was completely empty. I got shot upwards of 100 times but right after I did it my team cheered and all started running back on the field again. As I walked off the field in A LOT of pain I looked back and watched my team take back the field.
                This was honestly one of the best feelings I have ever felt because I had an effect on so many people. As I met my friends they told me I was crazy, but the followed by saying that I was the one who made that all happen and that it was pretty amazing.

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