Thursday, October 14, 2010

Peer Mentors, Pass or Fail...

                At first I didn’t really think much of the whole peer mentor idea in our class. But now that we have had a few sessions with our peer mentor Lee I definitely am a fan of it. I think that having a student’s input on a lot of the conversations we have definitely helps me as a freshman connect to the topic. If we are talking about something that I don’t really worry about it is nice to hear a first-hand experience from Lee to actually see how the topic could relate to me more.
            I feel that Lee definitely adds a more upbeat attitude to our Inquiry classes. She is always very positive and she helps keep the rest of the students in the class in a good mood. Also every class when we hear a response from Lee to any question we always seem to get some very valuable information from it. Not only are all of her responses very intellectual and well thought out, but they always seem to be connectable to all of our lives in college so far.
            The best thing about having a peer mentor is the sole fact that we as freshmen are now able to hear what college level thinking really sounds like in person. All of Lee’s responses seem to have a very high level of college thinking put into each of them. Every time I hear one it makes me pay much closer attention to what she is saying because I toot want to be able to think at that level at some point in my life. So overall I would say that having a peer mentor in the classroom is a big plus to the entire learning experience. The only critique I could give would be to actually give the peer mentor more time with the class by themselves.

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