Thursday, October 21, 2010

Narcissism?!? No way!

                After reading these articles I would have to say that I definitely agree with the fact that students are expecting o receive high grades on assignments for just doing the bare minimum. I can honestly say that I used to be that way in high school. I would do everything the assignment required me to do and hand it in. When I got the assignment back and it ended up being a lower grade I was confused and often talked to my teachers about the problem. Luckily for me from the start in college so far all of my professors have made all of their specific expectations very apparent to me so I know already that is I just do the bare minimum then the best mark I can receive is going to be a C. I think that when students begin new classes whether it is in college or in high school the teachers need to tell them exactly what to expect from them. That way if any student complains to the teacher then at least the teacher an say that he or she told the student their expectations.
                As for schools raising their grading criteria, essentially making it easier for students to receive high grades, I think it's horrible. It says that they are only trying to help their students so the when they graduate they will have a better chance at obtaining a good job. But in my opinion the schools are only hurting the students in the long run. If an employer sees that you went to a school that made their grading criteria easier it's going to seem like you are either a lazy person or you are not as intelligent because you weren't challenged enough by your school. I know that is what I would think as an employer.
                So overall i think that the teachers need o le their students know their expectations at the start of each semester and be very clear with them. Also schools shouldn't make grading more lenient for students because it really will hurt their future.

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