Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Assessment

            Looking back on the semester I feel that I have done a pretty good job as far as my Inquiry class is concerned. That is not to say that I didn't have my ups and downs with certain assignments for the class. But I think that overall I am satisfied with my work in the class. I think that earlier on in the semester I was not at all excited for the class but I think that I was still scare of college so I was making sure that I did every assignment because I still was not sure what the consequences would be yet. Towards the end of the semester I more so realized what I really needed to do and what I could let slip. This may have impacted my grade a bit more than I wanted it to but I still think that I will be satisfied with my final grade. The most important thing that I took away from this class was a better understanding of what college life really means.
            Earlier on in the semester I think I made a much better effort to make sure that I got all of my assignments done. I wish I could say I did it out of determination, but I think that it was honestly out of fear of failure. I was still adjusting to college life and I was doing every assignment for every class. If you look back you will notice that I did every campus safari up until a certain point and then I just basically stopped. Also I chose to do only the ones that did not require me to come to school events. I chose to do these ones because of the fact that I am a commuter and I live about thirty minutes away from SCSU. So most of the time driving here is a big inconvenience for me. So I did all of the ones where I could go and pick something up while I was around campus. But besides campus safaris I did basically everything else. I made sure I worked hard on my mid-term video as well as made sure that all of the readings were done and ready to do the in-class writings. Working hard on these assignments has definitely paid off seeing as I got an A- on my mid-term video. Basically I was a, for lack of better word, goody-goody student for the first half of the semester. But I really don't see anything wrong with that because it helped me build up a strong grade to allow me to slack off a little bit later on in the semester.
            Another thing about the first part of the semester was that I really feel I took a lot from some of the reading assignments. Especially the ones about time management really helped reassure me that I was on the right path for college. We did that sort of self assessment in class on how well we manage all of our time each week in college and it showed me that I am spending the right amount of time on my studies. This really gave me the confidence to actually relax and calm down about my school work because before this I was basically completely consumed by my work.
            After all the good things that happened this semester I started to go downhill. But I didn't go off the deep end completely. I just seemed to be more preoccupied with making new friends and trying to balance out my social life with my school life a little better than I was already doing. This isn't the worst thing that could happen because I really only started to miss my campus safari assignments, in addition to coming to class unprepared for the in-class writing assignments a couple times. I still managed to do every single blog post on time and to the best of my ability which is definitely a big accomplishment seeing as those count for forty percent of our overall grade for the class. So yes I did choose to not do some assignments which I do regret doing. I think the only reason I regret not doing them is more because of the fun times that I could have had when doing them. I don't really believe that not doing them will affect my grade all that much in the end.
            I came into this class not knowing what it was about at all, and once I heard what it was going to be about I wasn't at all excited for it. But even though I didn't like the class I think that in the end I really managed to get a lot out of the class without even intending to. The blog posts and the video assignments were very helpful for me to learn about college life and what college assignments really are. Also the readings taught me a lot about what I needed to do in order to be a successful college student. The best part of this class was that I made a few very good friends who I plan to keep a relationship with throughout the rest of my life.
            Overall this semester in Inquiry class was a success for me. I managed to obtain some pretty good grades through all the ups and downs that I had in the semester. The class taught me exactly what it was supposed to even though I didn't realize it until now. But most important I made some great friends who I can hang out with for the rest of my life and I also got a great teacher and peer mentor who will both help me whenever I need them. So I think I did pretty well for myself in my first semester Inquiry class at SCSU.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Video

                                              Here is the link to my Final Video Project:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Goals, Goals, Goals

                For next semester I have a lot more goals for myself than I did for this semester. I think my main goal is to try my best to declare my major so that I can get started on all of that. But I really expect more from myself now that I have gone through an entire semester in college and I basically know what to expect regarding assignments. Next semester I really want to work hard to get my GPA up to a really high point so that I end this first year with some good tendencies to continue with as a sophomore at Southern. Also socially for next semester I really want to challenge myself to find even more friends to be able to talk to about school and just hang out with in general. I'm still a pretty shy person so this semester will definitely be a test of character for me since we are not in multiple classes together and being almost forced to make friends now. But I think I'm up for the challenge because I did pretty well with finding some very good friends this semester so I'm going to do my best to continue doing that next semester. Socially I would like to have a better relationship with my professors next semester because this semester I felt like I didn't have a relationship with really any of my professors. It makes me much more comfortable when I have a friendly relationship with my professors because it kind of keeps me more calm in class as well as out of class. So those are my basic goals for next semester. Some of them may prove to be pretty challenging, but then again if they weren't challenging then they would be very good goals now would they?

Pros and Cons

                Looking back on this semester I have definitely had some ups and downs. I would say that my biggest failure of this semester was getting too used to college and sort of falling back into some of my high school habits. I think that once I started to really get used to my schedule and classes that I started to become almost lazy like I was in high school and when that happened my grades started to reflect my laziness. But thanks o one of my best successes this semester I was able to realize what was happening and do my best to reverse the snowball effect that my laziness was crating on my grades. Another one of my greatest successes was actually doing pretty well in my Western Civilization class. I have never been fond of History in general and my grade for any history class usually shows it. But this semester I worked hard and so far I have a solid B in the class, which I am very proud of. The last big accomplishment for me this semester was actually making the videos for Inquiry. When we received those assignments I was pretty upset because of the fact that I hate making videos for a class or assignment. If I'm on my own I can make a video for fun but when I absolutely have to do it I can't actually get myself to come up with anything. But in the end I actually made two videos that I am very proud of. The first video I even received an A- on and the second one's grade is, as of now, TBA, but my outlook for that grade is good too. So like I said there were many ups and downs for me this semester but I like to think I did more good than I did bad so I'm happy with this semester!

Friday, December 3, 2010

What I'll miss

                This semester has been pretty good regarding the friends I have made and the classes I have taken. But for next semester I will miss having class with some of the guys in my classes. Luckily I am in at least one class with the two guys I have become closest with over the semester. Other than friends I will probably miss having a pier mentor who is actually trying to help the entire class out. I will definitely miss having a mentor who isn't just like another teacher who doesn't care about how the class does in the future. But later in college I know there will be a time when I don’t get into any classes with the friends I have made this semester and when that semester comes I will miss my new friends but I will make sure that we still keep in touch and hang out from time to time. Another thing I will miss from this semester is my teachers. They have all done a great job with helping me adjust to college life in general and helped me become a college level thinker. The assignments they gave to me were very helpful in preparing me for the largest amount of work that college will offer me at some point during my college career. So overall I will miss my new friends, my pier mentor, and my English and Inquiry professors for the rest of my college career.

My Ideal Life

                My ideal life after college would go like this… I would be married to my current fiancĂ© and we would have our own house or apartment. I would have gotten my degree in whatever my overall major turns out to be. Also I will already be at a well paying job or else on my way o a good job. I don’t want to be rich but I would like to never have trouble with money, and be able to get my family most of the things they desire. I would also like to be the main money earner in my house not because I am the man, but because I would like my fiancĂ© to have an easy life. I don’t want to have her feeling like she ever needs to work as hard as she can to support our family.  I want to be able to be  leader in my workplace and I want my co-workers to be able o look up to me. Now this all may seem like a lot to ask but I have seen my parents do this exact same thing with only going to college for about two years each. I feel that going to school for four years and gaining my degree with definitely give me a much better chance at living out my ideal life. I plan to work as hard as possible to get this ideal life and I won't let anything stand in my way.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mountain Biking Video Draft

Link to the video:

This is what I have so far for my project. But I also have some of the interviews done but I haven't added them in yet because I am unsure where I should put them in the video. Should I break up the clips of riding into seprate sections with interviews inbetween each section? Also how is he sound ratio with the video clips and the music?